This lip-sync music video was a passion project that tested me and showed what could be done with limited resources and shooting time when you have a supportive team to help. It took three months of convincing management to allow me and my camera man/good friend James Frehn to shoot for 3 days after hours at the wind tunnel at Universal City Walk. To curb costs I made some lighting and camera stabilizer rigs out of PVC pipes. A friend of mine Ebonnie Pearson choreographed the dancing and most of the staff jumped at the chance to be apart of the filming. After shooting for 3 nights we had enough footage to edit, but then it took another year before I could release anything.
My old laptop couldn't handle the high quality footage, so it took some time to save up money to purchase a computer that could manage. Once released, the video became a favorite of the home office of iFLY, based in Texas. The company used it in their compilation video that showed the history of iFLY, published in 2017 on their YouTube channel.
Practicing choreogrpahy
most of the equipment used for the shoot.
me on the left and felllow instructor/friends trying to make a rig for a GoPro (left to right) Ian Bamberg, Miles Blackbeard, Carlos Mendoza
Closer look at the action from the guys
The PVC camera stabilizer rig on the floor was used for all shots
The finished video
Song: "Light'em Up" by: Fallout Boy
Of course I had to do a behind the scenes edit as well
iFLY History of video with highlight of my work at 3:45